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Thu Feb 13, 2025 - Welcome to Children Jokes!
Nice collection of the best humorous jokes about parents, kids, childrens and teachers. Have a good laugh!
THE BEST Children Jokes. HAVE FUN!
Two Little Boys
two little boys
Talking About Animals
mother was talking to her three year-old daughter
Little Johnny Crying
dad was hanging pictures
Sex Education
each student had to bring in a permission
Preparing Pancakes
boys began to argue over who would get the first p
Sunday School Class
pray to God before lunch or dinner
Called A Motel
how much motel charges for a room
The Sahara Desert
'smart guy', 'not that smart guy' and 'not smart a
Another Fight
keeping a little boy from being beaten up
Waxing The Floors
Mom heard her young son opening the front door
Press A Doorbell
priest is walking down the street
Salesman Calls
salesman telephone a household, and a four-year-ol
Shut Up And Trouble
Trouble got lost, and so Shut Up went to the polic
Sucking Thumb
boy had reached four without giving up that habit
Expected Baby
for weeks a child kept talking about the baby
Silly Question
son asks his father if he can write in the dark
Singing Sister
Alfie wishes sister'd sing Christmas carols
Two Pieces Of String
silly children joke about strings
Child Custody Case
boy can decide about his adoptive parent
3rd Grade
boy attends firts grade but belong to the 3rd one
Child Sent To Bed
boy asks his father to bring some water
Kid´s Funnys
jokes kids where is Tiger looking for Pooh
Grandma's Revenge
kids jokes water guns used to drive her mad
jokes for kids numbers funny talk
Angry Rocket
children's jokes it was hot from anger
Funny Joke
dirty jokes how to make a tussue dance
kid jokes how to get Pikachu onto aeroplane
The Jellybean
jokes kids how Jellybean becomes a smartie
The 5 yr. Old
baby joke shouldn´t have cravled there
childrens jokes how 0 praised the 8
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