Fri Jul 26, 2024 - Welcome to Face Pictures!

People sometimes can do strange things with their faces. Here are some funny face photos.

Just pick your favourite cartoon from Face Pictures category:

THE BEST Face Pictures. HAVE FUN!

Hairy Face
its not fake thats a real medical condition
Current rating: Bad smiley Bad Game (29% - based on 630 votes)
Wrongfully Convicted
this dude really looks innocent
Current rating: Bad smiley Bad Game (29% - based on 338 votes)
Glass Face
whats this? a girl or a whale?
Current rating: Bad smiley Bad Game (25% - based on 452 votes)
Nice Guys
at least they do not have to wear masks on Halloween
Current rating: Total failure smiley Total failure Game (20% - based on 553 votes)