Fri Jul 26, 2024 - Welcome to Women Live Longer!

Here are clear examples that prove why women live longer then men. It's clear proof of stupidity of some people. But funny as hell.

Just pick your favourite cartoon from Women Live Longer category:

THE BEST Women Live Longer. HAVE FUN!

Bored Workers
guess these two guys are fired already
Current rating: Good smiley Good Game (73% - based on 652 votes)
Skilled Paint Crew
these guys will take care of your exterior
Current rating: Good smiley Good Game (62% - based on 349 votes)
Ladder Stacking
it is not much safe
Current rating: Good smiley Good Game (61% - based on 479 votes)
Stable Ladder
short ladder? No problem for chinese workers
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (60% - based on 479 votes)
No Problem
No ramp to get up to the rail car? No problem!
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (58% - based on 457 votes)
Got Fired
funny this guy still wonders why he got fired.
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (56% - based on 431 votes)
Teamwork Practice
the best colleagues ever
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (56% - based on 484 votes)
Dangerous Job
those electricans must really know their stuff
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (54% - based on 356 votes)
Necessity is the mother of invention. Cool pics.
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (53% - based on 419 votes)
Dangerous Relax
barbecue in the middle of swimming pool
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (52% - based on 449 votes)
Skilled Handymen
ridiculous accident during roof assembly
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (52% - based on 459 votes)
Good Idea
Crazy Pics would you ever step on such ladder?
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (52% - based on 402 votes)
Safe Work
hope he has high risk benefits at least
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (51% - based on 376 votes)
Water Ladder
use power tools standing barefoot on metal in water
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (48% - based on 295 votes)
Dangerous Work
seems they have not learned from their mistakes
Current rating: Average smiley Average Game (48% - based on 313 votes)