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Tue Feb 11, 2025 - Welcome to Lawyer Jokes!
Lawyer jokes and humor! You\'ll find lawyer jokes about greed, crime, billing hours, ethics, other professions, and more Have a good laugh!
THE BEST Lawyer Jokes. HAVE FUN!
Greedy Lawyers
they are so materialistic
Corruption Trial
the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness
Lawyers Tomb
two people in the same grave
Lawyer Named Strange
honest man and a lawyer
Medical Experimentation
Institutes of Health have replaced rats by attorne
Executives Wife
she found him with his secretary
Lawyers accident
doctor and lowyer collide in the middle of nowhere
Bottle with a genie
every lawyer will receive double the wish
A lawyers dog
lawyers dog steals a roast from butcher shop
Driver,Priest and Lawyer
driver pick up the priest and give him a ride
Last Wish
the money for journey to the next world
Lawyer in the Caribbean
lawyer and engeneer were fishing in the Caribbean
Doctor and Lawyer
lawyer gives an advice to the doctor
10,000 Lawyers
one line jokes 10 000 lawyers at the sea bottom
The Deaf Underling
nasty jokes lawyers would do anything for money
Lawyer on the Road
short jokes find the difference between an attorne
New Jersey and California
joke around why Jersey has all waste and Californi
Lawyer and the Pope
jokes why attorney got a better room in heaven tha
What's The Difference?
lawyer joke when they stop screwing you
Alligator in a Bar
joke archive a man with a crocodile in a bar
Lawyer Jokes Collection
joke programs nine sayings about lawyers
Best Patients
doctors joke best patients are lawyers
Just The Same
lawyer joke bucket makes the difference
What Does Your Daddy Do?
joke world daddy plays piano in a whorehouse
The Safe
my joke mail two succesful attorneys talking at di
Misc. Lawyer Jokes
joke web "what do you call" attorney gags
Lawyers And Snakes
joke's why attorneys never get bitten
How Much is 2+2
joke book lawyer gives an interesting answer
joke box "what´s difference" pranks on attorneys
The Old Man's Heart
daily jokes lawyer´s heart was the most expensiv
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