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Thu Feb 13, 2025 - Welcome to Medical Jokes!
A collection of medical humor, including funny stories, jokes about doctors, dentists, psychiatrists etc. Jokes relating to various medical specialty areas. Enjoy!
THE BEST Medical Jokes. HAVE FUN!
Need A Therapist
man goes to see his doctor
Roosevelt High School
older woman who is seeing a doctor for the first t
Keep Some Vices
older man went to his doctor with a variety of com
Visiting A Doctor
pacient benefited from doctor's treatment
Heavy Drinking
what’s wrong with patient
Amputation of Legs
doctor has some bad and good news for this patient
Baby Ear Ache
mother must put two drops in right ear
Birth Control Pills
elderly woman can sleep better with these pills
Doctor Bob
doctor had sex with one of his patients
Gay Doctor
man has to take medicine up the butt
Midget From Texas
midget complained that his testicles ached
Engine valves
Jerry and doctor do basically the same work
medical jokes doctor tels a lady she is fat and ug
Good News And Bad News
medical joke doctor tells him he has 24 hours to l
What Your Doctor Really Means...
joke archives doctor says one thing but means anot
10 things you don't want to hear from a doctor
april fool's joke
Poor Bertha
black jokes she shot her left knee to kill herself
fart jokes lady claims her farts don´t stink
Stoned Medicine
doctor jokes why doctor tiptoes past the medicine
Surgeon's Wallet
medical jokes doctor has a wallet from foreskins
bad joke doctor makes a nasty fun of an injured wi
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